I always found it kinda funny how some superheroes are treated in terms of power disparity. They're largely kept on a relatively even playing field, and only popularity of the character-- or the current story arc-- determines how effective or ineffective their abilities are. Wolverine has a strong healing factor, an Adamantine skeleton, and retractable claws. These are very powerful, inhuman traits. I don't find him particularly interesting, however, because death-- such as it is in comic books-- is never a risk for him.
I see wolverine as Marvel's Superman analog. Both of them are incredibly boring to me. Why? They both rely solely on their powers instead on ingenuity and out-of-the-box tactical thinking to solve problems. This is to be expected; neither of them really having to fear death leads people to focus on the more direct approach. While Superman's skin is literally strong enough to stop bullets, wolverine has bones which are nigh-impossible to break and a healing factor on top of that, keeping him largely immortal and healthy. There's no risk to their lives doing what they do. If put up against an incredibly cunning and intelligent antagonist, then they're interesting because they aren't able to play to their own strengths, making it easier for the reader to identify with them. I want to see The Riddle go up against Superman (I'm hopeful for the upcoming Batman Vs Superman film) without anyone helping him. Superman's critical thinking skills aren't exactly the best, so playing to his weaknesses would make him much easier to handle as a protagonist. Wolverine Vs Dr. Doom, in theory, would also be interesting since no matter what happens, Dr. doom's plans are always advanced- whether he wins or loses. On their own though, they're both incredibly boring to me, and I kinda hate both characters as a whole. So, why the rant about them?
What super powers we'd choose, if able, can tell a lot about a person's personality. A person that's more interested in diversion and hit-and-run tactics would probably pick either Nightcrawler's Blink/teleportation abilities, or go with the Dazzler's ability to turn vibrations and sound into various forms of light, including lasers, while being immune to the effects of excessively bright lights and loud sounds. These are superpowers which are not directly or strictly useful in combat; Nightcrawler uses his teleportation as a means of transportation more than anything else, and the Dazzler primarily uses her abilities to create awesome light shows at her concerts. Green lanterns are by nature only as effective as their willpower and ability to think outside the box with their creations. On the flip side, the juggernaut is simply incredibly strong, and wears a helmet which specifically prevents psychic manipulation, and Wolverine can heal just about any damage that's incured on him without having to worry about breaking a nail. That sort of power set suits a person that either considers hit-and-run tactics as cowardly, or a personality that's very direct andprefers tackling challenges head-on. Of course, the individual's mental and physical capabilities also factor in when considering a super power.
See, as I write this wall of text which probably only one of you will bother reading to completion, I'm pondering what superpower I would have if only based on my current abilities-- strange things I've noticed I can sometimes do in my own mundane human existence. I'm also pondering what super powers I'd choose, if I could. So, what would my superpower be, if I had one?
I'd have to say Precognition. In general, I've found myself pretty apt at finding greater patterns in not just isolated circumstances, but in days, in people, and life as a whole. However-- and this is probably an extension of what I just said-- I also tend to have very strange dreams. See, I experience a sort of tonal dissonance in my dreams. That is, the mental visuals & audio do not match the feel the dream's feel to it. Imagine the best dream you've ever had, and then imagine the worst nightmare you'd ever had. That feeling that jolts you awake in a cold sweat, flipping out? That's the feeling I get when I dream about regular days. What happens is this: I'll dream of a regular day as if it's really going on, I'll wake up in a cold sweat, and then within the next couple of weeks to the next few months, that day will happen almost verbatim to what I dreamed. I never have any context to the events, however it still leaves me less likely to be surprised when things happen. Other times, I've had what some would consider creepy dreams which foretold an important event in another's life. for example, a month or so before I even knew the guy existed, I had a dream which told me the first name of the person a very close friend of mine would wind up marrying. That particular one still worries me. As an side: Does it could s cheating if you cheated off yourself in a dream? No? Okay. The only downsides are that I have to remember the dreams-- and I have a terrible memory-- and that I can't exactly control it consciously, so it's completely random whether it happens or not, and it's always when I'm asleep.
If I could choose, though? well, I'm not exactly one for being direct. If you saw my first post, you'd know that to be the case. additionally, I'm an avid Dungeons & Dragons player, and I tend to go for sneaky characters in whatever game I'm playing. Knowing that, I can see myself choosing the Dazzler's skillset, though I'd also need access to Tony Stark's technical abilities. I'd fashion a suit with speakers all over, making the entire form a giant Dubstep-powered weapon of deadly flashlights. I'd be incredibly weak physically, and heat-based opponents would be incredibly tricky for me to take down.
Another power I'd like would be the ability to manipulate the chemical balances of the people around me through my strength of will. It'd be incredibly useful for infiltrating enemy bases by making low-level goons like me enough to not mind letting me through, I'd be able to get free drinks at bars, and social engineer my way towards my ends. It'd also be incredibly easy to abuse, though: It'd also mean I could cut a person's dopamine or serotonin production or reception completely, which can make people go insane or get incredibly depressed, or even trick the body chemistry into an adrenaline-fueled rage, triggering the fight-or-flight response and generally causing a ruckus. It'd have to be maintained for the effects to not right themselves naturally over time, of course, but the amount of damage an individual can do would be incredibly easy and incredibly powerful. In a direct fight it would require a lot of concentration, and anyone properly shielded would be immune. I'd still probably lose to the Juggernaut.
Last power option would be to use my mitochondria to expel energy in ways which simulate magic, as is the case in the video game franchise Parasite Eve. Making others spontaneously combust or turn into goo is always interesting.
Wolverine, isn't boring tho. Sure he can't die, but he can't live a simple happy life either. He's always off warring, and every time he catches a break and tries to retire sabertooth or an old rival mess it up. His character, is one that resonates a lot with military vets and their families, who albet exaggerated, can see similarities in his character and the effects of PTSD in themselves and their loved ones