So. That Catapult that I was working on? Not happening.
not for a lack of trying, however; I just can not dedicated any more time towards it. This is for two reasons:
1. Since the beginning of my work with Maya, I've had to deal with it either refusing to let me select/move items in wireframe 2d views, outright hiding major parts of my project from view in said perspectives, or opting to take away access to texture mapping with little to no explanation.
2. It set me way behind schedule on other work, and I know well enough to let things go. The completionist within is screaming at me, but I'd rather not be perpetually lagging behind.
I ws going to show example of Maya hding bits from view, but guess what else Maya has started to do?
It started to-- apparently-- start working fine for me. I don't know if it's doing so just because I was trying to capture it's trolldom in all of it's glory, or f the systems I'm using have decided to start playing nice with one another. whatever the case may be, I think I may start seeing the light at the end of the poorly-rendered tunnel. With that said, I'll show you how far I got.
Oddly enough, I'm finding the lamp we're supposed to have finished soon is a bit easier for me to work on.
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